Well I am sitting in my backyard writing this - Sam's playing with a toy and I've no idea where he got it from but he looks very happy with it.
Since my last post we have moved most of our stuff to the new house. The old place still has lots to sort through - most of that is crap which will be thrown out or given to Vinnies. It's all clutter stuff and we don't have room for clutter here...uh-uh.
Moving was a massive effort - those who helped have been an absolute Godsend. There's no way we could have done it without them and I want to thank them here for it:
Bren - for use of his van/packing blankets and trustng me with it all. We used this not only to move stuff, but to transport my bike around pickup/drop off points and from the Island to here of course. The fact Bren lent me this van absolutely blows me and the girls away. Bren, I consider you a good person and a good friend and if there is anyway I can ever repay you - not only for the van but also for everything you've done for us in the past - all you have to do is let me know and I, like you, will drop everything to help.
Faye - for showing up. For pulling apart my couch. For the laughs. For driving Casey down here. And then for coming back the next day to help out again. That plant in the front yard is so definitely yours. lol. Last weekend was perfect weather for riding. Faye rides. Faye did not ride last weekend. She swore instead. Lots. Inside a couch.
Tim - for showing up. For bringing the ute with those awesome packing boxes on. For helping lift shitloads of heavy stuff - including those awesome packing boxes that are REALLY heavy and hurt like hell when dropped on ones toes. For giving up his Saturday. For helping us out. Thankyou heaps Tim.
Jim - for showing up. And doing the fridge...the dreaded fridge with the dreaded stairs. And for helping with the heavy stuff. And for the trailer. And for the evil couch. And for everything - thankyou so very much Jim.
Jims boys - well what can I say. Thankyou for giving up your Sunday and for not complaining an for being absolutely fantastic whilst your Dad helped us move - it was such a long day and I never heard a single complaint. Icecreams are on me next time I see you both. :)
Jens - for showing up with the biggest brightest yellow truck ever! I owe you petrol/tolls Jens....I haven't forgotten. And thanks for working out how best to get the fridge down the stairs. And for your smiling face even though the weather was so gorgeous outside and the fastest you were going was 80kph...sorry bout that.... ;)
And Loz, Robin, Stu and the other guy (sorry I forgot your name)...thanks guys for helping unload it all. :) As you rode off the old Italian neighbor I was talking to told me that 'those things are dangerous'....I then told him I rode one...haha..
And thanks also to the two people who turned up to help unload..Loz had told them about it and they turned up but we were already done. I can't believe two people I've never met before would turn up to help someone they've never met before. Thanks a lot if you're reading this. Much appreciated.
Anyway I think that is everyone but if I've forgotten it's not because you're insignificant - it's more because my memory is shite atm because I'm so tired and a wee bit scatterbrained.
The girls and I really appreciate all the help we've received so far and will continue to receive this wknd.
And thanks also to those who let me know they couldn't help out but would if they could. :)
Ah well - it's a hot night here in Yarraville and I think I'll go sort tea out and get an early night. I haven't really had much time to absorb life in the city yet. It's all been rather hectic and tiring and just a little surreal. That should change once we settle in though.
The girls have already applied for jobs in Yarraville at various cafes etc. Fingers crossed they get something soon.
The house here is looking quite nice -- most of our furniture is set up and I'm happy with how everything's fit and how it's all looking.
Thanks again everyone.